Try these tools for budgeting with a mortgage

Rapid Finance on 5 April 2017

Top 9 mortgage repayment calculators

Budgeting with a mortgage isn't always easy. But you could make it a little simpler with these nine mortgage repayment calculators. They're designed to assist you in taking control of your finances.

Note: these mortgage repayment calculators provide general information regarding loan repayments. For information specific to your situation contact one of our loan specialists online or call 1300 467 274.

9. Loan repayment calculator 

This calculator helps you to work out your regular repayments. Simply input your repayment frequency, monthly, fortnightly or weekly. The calculator then calculates both the principal and interest repayments on your loan term.

Try the loan repayment calculator

8. Borrowing power calculator

This calculator gives you an estimate of how much you could potentially borrow from a lender, based on a number of factors, including your income and present financial commitments.

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Try the borrowing power calculator

7. Interest only mortgage calculator

The interest only mortgage calculator assists you in working out what your regular repayments will be during and after the 'interest only' period of your loan term.

Try the interest only mortgage calculator

6. Stamp duty calculator

The amount of stamp duty you will pay will depend on a range of factors, including the state in which you are purchasing your home. Get an indication of how much you're likely to be charged here.

Try the stamp duty calculator

5. Savings calculator

Saving for a new car? A holiday? Or perhaps to upgrade to a bigger and better home? Whatever you're saving for, our savings calculator could give you an estimate as to how long it will take.

Try the savings calculator

4. Budget planner 2017 rapid 9 calculators supportive image 4

Keep yourself fiscally responsible by laying out your income and your regular expenses. So, you know exactly what money is coming in and what money is going out, when and where.

Try the budget planner

3. Compound interest calculator

Got money sitting in a savings account? Find out how much your dollars could earn you over 6, 12 or 24 months with our compound interest calculator.

Try the compound interest calculator

2. Home loan offset calculator

This calculator will help you to estimate how much you could potentially save on your interest repayments and total loan term by using a home loan offset account.

Try the home offset calculator

1. Loan comparison calculator

Your choice of loan can be the single greatest factor when budgeting with a mortgage. So, it pays to compare and to consider refinancing to get a better deal.

Try the loan comparison calculator

"Budgeting with a mortgage isn't always easy. But you can make it a little simpler."

Much more than loan comparison calculators

Unhappy with your current home loan? Or are you looking to finance a home for the first time? At Rapid Finance, we could help you to secure a new home loan.

We've been finding finance for Australians for more than 20 years, and over that time we've built our reputation on tailored solutions and personalised service.

Find out more about our home loans online or call 1300 467 274